Flexible Skills Programme – What is it?

The Flexible Skills Programme is a Welsh Government and Business Wales funding available to businesses to upskill and grow. Is your business looking for new opportunities, new tech, any growth or expansion plans? You could be able to gain funding from the Flexible Skills Programme.
The programme also may be able to help if you have constrains within your business due to current skills of your employees. Some examples of what the programme can help with:
- develop advanced digital skills;
- address export related skills challenges
- support skills gaps in the Engineering and Manufacturing Sector
- support skills gaps and upskilling in the Creative Sector
- support skills gaps and upskilling in the Tourism and Hospitality Sector
If you are within any of the above sectors, you can possibly gain funding for upskilling your workforce. If you can show that this is a need and that your success is currently constrained by a lack of skills, then you may be able to access funding.
For example, could your workforce use greater ICT skills, perhaps your managers need to gain increased knowledge of how to manage people? These could possibly be funded under the Flexible Skills Programme.
Who is Eligible?:
To be considered eligible you must be a business that is based in Wales, that is trading and solvent and you must commit to the release of your staff to undertake the Flexible Skills Programme funded training by the end of March 2025.
The training must advance the individuals ability in one of the above areas.
The capacity of your business must be improved by each element of training undertaken.
Funding awards are discretionary and the final decision on eligibility rests with the Welsh Government.
What are the Next Steps and Expression of Interest?:
If you think you are eligible and are interested in applying for this funding, you should go through the Business Wales Expression of Interest form and one of their Skills team will respond as soon as possible and no later than 10 working days.
You can also contact us if you are interested in undertaking any of our training using this funding. To do so you can call 029 21 156 603, or email info@careerchangewales.co.uk.
You can find out the courses we offer here -> OUR COURSES