ERASMUS+ KA2 project
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Project Reference: 2020-1-UK01-KA226-VET-094572
Project start/end date: 01/06/2021 – 31/05/2023
Approved Project Budget: €228,460
Project Card: https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/eplus-project-details/#project/2020-1-UK01-KA226-VET-094572
Project Title: Endorsing digital literacy of professionals to address inequalities and exclusion of LGBTQI community
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex (LGBTQI) community. Everyday life has changed in unprecedented ways. Due to lockdowns, restriction of movement and curfews imposed across the globe, people’s usual ways of working, consuming, leisure time, and creating community have all come to a halt. And it is an undeniable fact that COVID-19 leaves vulnerable communities with challenges and at risk of inequalities and exclusion.
The main challenges identified are:
- professionals, frontline, and other staff who have worked during lockdown and curfews were not equipped to address the needs of this vulnerable community. For example, there is a huge problem in finding a primary care doctor, professional, social worker, service provider and other professionals, even when there is not a pandemic. Discriminatory behaviours and homophobic/transphobic comments, make LGBTQI persons reluctant to seek help.
- working remotely for months in an isolated environment, professionals, community members, and health providers are not equipped with the digital skills to meet their needs.
Overall objective
To equip professionals in Europe with the necessary resources to be able to cope with the online technologies and social distancing for better serve the excluded LGBTQI population as result of the new situation that emerged from COVID-19 pandemic.
Specific objectives
- To support professionals, youth workers, community mediators, humanitarians’ officers, social workers, and health care providers on how to better include intersectionality (i.e. understanding of how aspects of a person, social and political identity combined to create different modes of discrimination and privileges), and LGBTQI perspectives in their activities
- To enhance their acquisition of digital competences and enable to incorporate in their work do delivery high quality and inclusive support in order to meet the needs of LGBTQI beneficiaries
- To strengthen transnational learning and cooperation networks of youth organisation, institutions, CSO’s, public bodies/services, community centers, helplines, homeless associations, professionals and foster social inclusion and equality and ensure that LGBTQI people is included in all health, humanitarian and economic relief efforts
KA2 Strategic Partners:
This Erasmus KA2 project has the following partners: CCW-Training Academy (UK), Symplexis (Greece), Akmi Katartisi (Greece), Novel Group Sarl (Luxembourg), Sociedade Promotora (Portugal), Hub for Innovation Policy (Romania), Stichting Global Aliance for LGBT education (Netherlands).
Target Group:
Professionals supporting LGBTQI. Youth organisation, public bodies, helplines, community centers. Secondary target group are LGBTQI individual.
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