Previous Clients
Here you can find the different previous clients that we have trained in various courses ranging from ICT, to Management to Interview skills.
We are happy to say that we have offered excellent and high quality training services to clients from the Public, Private and Third sectors. We have received many excellent reviews from our clients which show the quality that we offer. If you’re interested you can check out our GOOGLE REVIEWS and TRUSTPILOT REVIEWS.

Our Previous Clients:
Public Sector
DWP![]() | ReAct![]() | STEM Cymru![]() | Countryside Council for Wales![]() |
Newport City Council![]() | Education Workforce Council![]() | Pembrokeshire County Council![]() | Tai Calon![]() |
Swansea University![]() | Audit Wales![]() | Cardiff County Counil![]() | Journey 2 Work![]() |
Public Health Wales![]() | UTSD![]() | Velindre Cancer Centre![]() | Companies House![]() |
CAVDAS![]() | ASCymru![]() | Farming Connect![]() | Food Skills Cymru![]() |
Private Sector
RM Group![]() | Euroclad![]() | Whitehead Building![]() | Instep French College![]() |
CEPI![]() | CHEP![]() | United Welsh Housing![]() | ABSE Aquasafe![]() |
Bruton Knowles![]() | Reachal![]() | Admiral![]() | Hugh James![]() |
Airbus![]() | Kens![]() | S4C![]() | Waterstone Homes![]() |
JEHU![]() | 4 Wood TV and Film![]() | Forest Traffic Services![]() | MSA Focus![]() |
Orthotix![]() | Avon![]() | Churngold![]() | Brecon Carreg![]() |
EPC![]() | Zulu Joint Integrity![]() | NAGRA![]() | Dunbia![]() |
Mitie![]() | ENCON![]() | Davies Crane Hire![]() | Serve Legal![]() |
iHasco![]() | ILM![]() | AAT![]() |
Third Sector / Charity / NGO
Older People Wales![]() | ADICE![]() | EFM![]() | CESIE![]() |
Macmillan Cancer Research![]() | University of Gloucestershire![]() | Aninam Viventem![]() | ![]() |
Ostersunds![]() | PlanBe Plan it Plan Be it![]() | Pobl Group![]() |
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