ReAct 3 Redundancy Funding Advice!
Many of you may be aware of ReAct funding (Welsh Government funding), to cover the costs of your retraining to help you to get back into employment. We are frequently contacted by individuals trying to find out how and where they can get hold of ReAct funding and what it can be used to pay for? The ReAct funding project is financed by the Welsh Government with support from the European Social Fund.
We have put together this FAQ to help answer some of the questions we are often asked.
Is Career Change Wales – Training Academy ReAct?
No, we are a training provider, we work closely with Careers Wales and the ReAct team to help individuals who have been made redundant (within 3 months of the date of redundancy).
If you would like to contact ReAct directly you can do so through this number -> 03000 255888
If you want to contact Careers Wales regarding your ReAct application you can phone them on this number -> 0800 028 4844
If you would like any assistance or help in choosing a training course you can contact us on -> 029 21 156 603