CCW are happy to announce we have been successful in winning our first Taith
project (COAL Project) in partnership with In-Step group (France) to provide Employability,
soft and emotional intelligence training as well as an accredited ILM
qualification for all participants.
The project name is COAL – Connecting Opportunity
for All Learners
To sign up for this project please see this page
Project main goals;
The project is aimed at reducing unemployment for people with fewer opportunity (PWFO). The project will increase their employability skills, raise emotional-intelligence, well-being & cultural understanding.
Whilst the projects main objectives are to support employability skills, emotional intelligence and cultural understanding, the project will contribute directly to reducing unemployment, increase self-confidence and well-being. The 2-week project will consolidate salient employability skills and practical application techniques for job seekers.
Project activities;
The project will include inward and outward mobilities. The 2-week mobility consists of 8 days bespoke formal & non-formal learning objectives and 4 days of non-formal cultural exchanges. Included in both mobilities are cultural excursions to sites of cultural significance for Welsh & French heritage.
The individuals who complete the mobility will have the opportunity to attain an accredited qualification , the ILM Level 2 Award in Leadership and Team Skills. During the course the candidates will be given coaching and mentoring to complete two assignments to ensure that they can gain the qualification. This is all paid for through the Taith programme, this is no extra cost to learners.
Our target audience are PWFO from disadvantaged areas with high unemployment figures and reduced opportunities for work, education and training. Research has identified high unemployment in and around Cardiff & areas of Northern France. Our many years of collaboration with Instep Group on other similar mobility projects has given us a better understanding in the challenges of the learners of Instep college.
Project objectives:
1. To empower marginalised people from disadvantaged areas, prevent social exclusion amongst people with fewer opportunities (PWFO), encourage personal development to gain employment and promote local opportunities & good practises
2. To help PWFO to gain key skills to become more employable (interpersonal skills, soft skills, emotional intelligence & intercultural understanding) and robust to appropriately manage emotions and prioritise workload
3. To give PWFO a tangible alternative to combat long term inactivity and develop key competencies crucial to being an active citizen socially, economically, and professionally
4. To promote diversity, equality, and cultural awareness with inward & outward mobility, non-formal learning, and cultural exchange
5. To increase participation in community projects, economically (earning & spending capital), socially and across cultural lines
6. To strengthen links with the local labour market, removing barriers in employment for PWFO
7. To raise awareness of the Taith program amongst the local and international stage and support international collaboration
Expected results & impact of the Coal project
To improve their employability skills, emotional intelligence, and cultural understanding. Raise the profile and awareness of Taith programmes to the local & international forum. One expected impact is to showcase and promote Wales as a multicultural, internationally competitive community. Ensuring a permanent place on the international stage as a global leader of diversity, innovation and equality. The project will reduce levels of unemployment in PWFO in the worst effected countries. Promote employability skills, levels of academic and social education in partnering countries and raise cultural awareness, equality and diversity.
Local communities, 3rd sector organisation, PWFO and others.
The beneficiaries of this project will be observed in the group, sector, and communities that we engage with. Local municipalities/councils and national government will see benefit through reduced unemployment and therefore more economical engagement and active citizenship.
Disadvantaged communities will see increased social engagement from PWFO leading to improved levels of mental health & wellbeing. We will see positive effects on the Welsh economy with greatly increased capital spending from previously economically inactivity. This initial programme will create connections on the international stage with our partner’s sending organisation and countries, it will strengthen connections & collaborations with the international community.
Taith COAL Project third successful outward mobility July 21st – August 3rd cohort 6
CCW has recently completed our fourth outward mobility to Lille, France taking participants to Lille France to be involved in formal and non-formal learning of emotional intelligence, employability skills, cultural learning and working towards an ILM level 2 qualification.

Taith COAL Project third successful outward mobility February 18th – March 2nd cohort 5
CCW has recently completed our third outward mobility to Lille, France taking 10 pan Wales participants to Lille France to be involved in formal and non-formal learning of emotional intelligence, employability skills, cultural learning and working towards an ILM level 2 qualification.

Taith COAL Project first successful inward mobility December 6th – 19th cohort 1
Our first programme has been very successful. It has been a pleasure to have the 3 French individuals at our office, learning and gaining skills to become the best version of themselves! We have received 3 individuals from Lille from the target group we have decided for this project. They have enjoyed the training and the exchange, and learned a lot. They have enjoyed the indoor and outdoor activities taking place. You can see some pictures below of the activities they have done:

BIG PIT – Cultural Trip
We have taken the students to the BIG PIT to show them the cultural heritage of Wales. This coincides with Lille who were also a coal mining and distributing town. The individuals heading to France, Lille, will also be heading to similar facilities in France. You can see them having fun below!

Check out our social media to keep up with what we’re doing:
Taith COAL Project first successful outward mobility April 17th – 30th cohort 2
We are happy to accounce the first successful Taith Coal project exchange to Lille France in April 2023. The particiapnts took part in class room based formal and in-formal learning styles, explored the beautiful city of Lille and experienced the culture first hand.
The participants fully engaged with the program, learned invaluable skills, attitudes and developed their own emotional intellegence. Each particpant has been enrolled in the ILM level 2 leading your working team qualification with a 100% pass rate.
Below you can see some images from the exchange;

Here you can see some pictures of the participants taking part in formal and non formal learning of leadership, communication and emotional intellengence. training was undertaken at our partner college In-Step groupe in Lille, France.

Taith COAL Project second successful inward mobility July 17th – 30th cohort 3
We have completed our second inward mobility from France to Wales and 3rd cohort of learners in total. We have received 5 individuals from Lille from the target group we have decided for this project to take part in learning activities around emotional intelligence, employability, cultural understanding, and work towards an ILM level 2 in Leadership and management.
The skills learned on the programme will enable the learners to become to become the best version of themselves and testimonies from the learners shows they have enjoyed the training, the exchange, and learned a lot. They have enjoyed the indoor and outdoor activities taking place. You can see some pictures below of the activities they have done:

Taith COAL Project second successful outward mobility August 21st – September 3rd cohort 4
CCW has recently completed our second outward mobility to Lille, France
taking 8 pan Wales learners to Lille France to be involved in formal and non-formal
learning of emotional intelligence, employability skills, cultural learning and
working towards an ILM level 2 qualification.
On this journey the learners gained invaluable insight about their own
emotional intelligence and that of others to better equip them for the world of
work. They gained skills and understanding of working as part of a team and how to be
effective leaders in their future employment as well as key skills required to
gain and maintain employment.
Below you will see some of the activites and the exchange;

If you would like to take part in the next exchange in February 2024 or would
like to know more regarding the project please feel free to contact us by email
or phone or follow this link to the
applications page;
02921 156603