World Class Customer Service “Your Customers – Your Secret Asset” Programme
Don’t you sometimes wish that you could just find the ‘Holy Grail’ when it comes to new and more customers?
Are you, like most business owners and managers, just wondering what would be a cost effective, robust and ‘sure-fire’ way to get customers come streaming in through the door? Would it be useful if they had their cash in their hands, begging you to take their money from them?
This doesn’t happen, does it?
What would you say if we told you that not only can this happen, but it can be natural, easy, effective and most importantly, permanent? Would you be disbelieving and dismissive? Or, would you at least want to give it a try?
Your answer to that question spells the difference between struggle and prosperity. A piece on the Sky News Channel recently quoted one of the national newspapers as saying that ‘many businesses and indeed individuals are one account away from ruin’.
It doesn’t have to be like this because quite literally, you’re sitting on the greatest ‘business gold-mine’ that you could ever imagine. Uncovering this rich vein of prosperity is one simple email, phone-call or fax away.
You can generate more customers on a daily basis than you ever thought possible.
We’ll be happy to tell you about it! I promise that you will not come under any heavy sales pressure – but you’ll simply be exposed, in a conversational way to this ‘treasure-awaiting-you’.
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
• Understand the difference between customer satisfaction and customer delight
• Learn how to naturally deliver customer delight as a minimum standard
• Inspire unsolicited and ‘identified’ testimonials from your customers
• Generate a lifetime value from your clients which is calculable and robust
• Foster ‘almost zealous’ devotion from your customers
Who Should attend?
This is for sales-people, purchasing-staff, call-centre staff (both inbound and outbound) and managers who have dealings with customers on a regular basis.
Course Contents:
• Fundamentals of World Class Customer Service
• What a customer values
• Customer Service is everybody’s responsibility
• How much is the customer valued at over her lifetime?
• What does ‘Birds of a Feather’ mean from a Customer Service perspective?
• Teaching your customers to buy value, and not price!
• Do you ask for referrals.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. When and how often?
Approach & Duration
The day will be made up of Lectures, Case studies as well as both individual and group exercises including ‘role-play’.
Course duration: 1 day (09:00 to 16:30)
Administrative Details
Time: 09h00 – 17h00
Training Venue: CCW-Training Academy Office, Caerfelin House, 42 Crwys Road, Cathays, Cardiff. CF24 4NN
Investment: £300.00 plus VAT per person
Contact Details:
029 21156603 or Free phone: 0800 848 8117